Our squishy little Aspen turned 5 months old yesterday. I took her in for a weight check and she weighs 12 lbs 6 oz. and that was after she blew out her diaper, haha. She is still just under the 1st percentile for weight but at like the 30th and 10th for head and length. We are about to transition her into size 2 diapers but she is still in a lot of 3 month clothes. I do put her in some of her 6 month outfits though because it is starting to warm up and I don't want to miss out! I spent my first weekend away from her last month and she did great. She is a pro with the bottle and we don't even have to hold it for her anymore. She is currently drinking four 8-ounce bottles and then nurses twice from me at night. She is still exclusively breastfed but I am looking forward to starting solids with her next month. She puts EVERYTHING in her mouth. She is still drooling a lot but no teeth yet. Last night she rolled over from her back to her belly. It was the funniest thing because I didn't see it happen, but I just looked down and she was on her belly. She had her first Valentine's Day and she has been loving her little activity center. She is still sleeping great, and does best with a little blanket. I know it sounds dangerous, but she just loves covering her face with a blankie! She constantly gives us smiles and I just love her little giggles. I love when she grabs at my face and can't wait for baby kisses! I miss her all the time when I am not with her. She is the sweetest!
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