Sunday was a weird day. It started out very productive. I got up and headed to the gym. After the gym I went straight to the grocery store and knocked that out. I came home and had breakfast and coffee before we started getting some cleaning done. Justin hung a few things that we have been meaning to get to in the laundry room (hooks, etc.). We took a break from cleaning to get in some swimming before lunch time. We got Everly to let go for a little bit and swim on her own and it got her nice and tired before nap time. We had lunch before she went down for a nap and she went down really well. Justin and I continued cleaning and we even cleaned in her room while she was sleeping and she didn't wake up. It was pretty funny. We were done cleaning and Everly was still asleep so I ran to Kohl's and picked up a cute mirror for the nursery. When I got back and Everly was awake, she was not in a great mood. She had gotten a couple of bug bites the day before and they were bothering her (the monsoons have brought a lot of bugs around and we are not used to them). We put some cortisone cream on them and then Justin started cooking dinner. After dinner I got a glimpse of one of her bug bites and it just did not look good so I called the pediatrician's after hours line to talk to a nurse. About a month ago Everly had and allergic reaction to a bug bite and itched it so bad that it turned into a staff infection so we were worried it was happening again. The nurse confirmed what we were thinking and suggested we go to urgent care right away. We didn't even know that they had special urgent care's for kids only but luckily there was one just outside of our subdivision. I realized we are probably pretty lucky that we have a pretty healthy kid to the point that we didn't know that. Everly was in a pretty good mood about going to the doctor. She was even more excited when we got there. We got called back as soon as we finished the paperwork and she immediately told the assistant that she got bit by a bug which was funny because she is normally more shy with strangers. She loved sitting up on the bed in the exam room, probably because normally it is me sitting up there with all of my prenatal appointments lately. The doctor said that it was an allergic reaction and that it was not infected yet, yay! She was being so good and so cute I decided to take a video of her while we waited for the nurse to come back in with a prescription for some stronger anti-itch cream. She proceeded to tell us she was there because she farted. We couldn't stop laughing. After we left we picked up her prescription and some Benadryl and still made it home just shortly after 8 p.m. I realized I was very grateful that all of that had gone so well and not taken overly long. I also realized that I am very grateful that I have a husband that does half (if not more) of the chores around the house and that after all of that drama, we came home to a clean house. At 38.5 weeks pregnant, I am not afraid to admit that I can't handle much extra so it was nice to not have to worry about a messy house or loads of laundry. Also, it was really nice to have a toddler that made us laugh the whole time. We really lucked out with this one!
Squirting papa. |
Too sunny! |
such a good patient! |
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