Tuesday, May 31, 2011
21 weeks...and 3 days
Yes, my belly is getting bigger! I definitely cannot hide it anymore. I am also feeling Everly move on the inside now. Definitely a weird feeling. I can't wait until I can feel it on the outside so I can share that with Justin!
Memorial Day Weekend
This memorial day weekend was a much needed 3 day weekend! Since finding out I was pregnant I knew I would need all of my vacation and sick time for my maternity leave so I have not been able to take a day off. At my old job I used to work four 10-hour shifts, which gave me a 3 day weekend pretty much every weekend and I have been missing that as well, so this weekend was really nice. The house is clean! The garage is reorganized, which is really nice because it gives me more room to get in and out of the car as I get bigger. And eventually it will be really nice when we are lugging around a car seat. Justin finished re-painting the baseboards in the nursery and he touched up along the edges as well. We should be done with painting in that room, unless we screw something up! We even had family and friends over Sunday afternoon/night for some pool time and grilling. Thank you to the Dinslage's for the fantastic tri-tip steak and Justin's potato salad with bacon was a hit as well! All in all, it was a great weekend and I don't feel so bad about going back to work today. Plus, it is a super short week for me as I only have a half-day Friday because I get to leave work early for another ultrasound. We can't wait to see more pics of little Everly!
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Halfway Through!
Yesterday marked 20 weeks of being pregnant. That means we are officially halfway through...unless she comes early and in that case we are even closer to meeting Everly. This weekend we got a lot done with her nursery. The decals came in and we got them up. They look amazing.
We also were given a lot of little girl items from our friend/neighbor Lindsay. We are so thankful and Everly already has lots of items in her closet.
Today we also ordered the bedding for Everly's crib. It is custom so it will take a while before we get it, but we are so excited and wanted to give a little sneak peak. Here are the fabrics it is being made from:
Can't wait to get it in!
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Kim's Baby Shower for Cameron
So last night was my sister Kim's baby shower for Cameron. My aunt Teri came in from St. Simon's Island to throw it with my mom and my little sister Katy and I helped as well. Kim's mother-in-law came in from Tennessee for the event as well. Kim is a teacher so there were a lot of girls there and several babies as well. I ran the games and I think they turned out well for being planned about 3 days ago! One of the games we played is where you pass around baby food jars with the labels removed and people have to try to guess which kind it is by looking and smelling. The only jar that no one guessed was mango which made me laugh because this morning I got an email update notifying me I am 19 weeks pregnant and Everly is the size of a mango!
Anyways, here are a few pictures from the shower, including the cupcakes I made on top of the cupcake stand my husband created. He is so crafty!
Anyways, here are a few pictures from the shower, including the cupcakes I made on top of the cupcake stand my husband created. He is so crafty!
Yummy Olive Garden!
Smelling poopy diapers!
Where is she going to put all of this stuff!!!
Next baby shower on the calendar will be for little Everly!
Friday, May 13, 2011
19 Weeks
I will officially be 19 weeks pregnant tomorrow. Almost halfway there! I'd like to say it has gone by fast so far, but I would be lying. I feel like I have been pregnant forever already and I'm only halfway through. In good news, I am moving out of the awkward stage where I just look a little fat and into the stage where I actually look pregnant. Our crib has arrived today and Justin is going to pick it up after work so I am super excited about that. Hopefully we can order our wall decals this weekend too!
Tonight is my big sister Kim's baby shower. She is due to deliver her not-so-little boy Cameron next month. He is going to be a big baby! I will be posting pics from her shower up this weekend! So glad it is Friday and the weekend is here!
Tonight is my big sister Kim's baby shower. She is due to deliver her not-so-little boy Cameron next month. He is going to be a big baby! I will be posting pics from her shower up this weekend! So glad it is Friday and the weekend is here!
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Everly Sandra Larkins
The day has finally come. We found out today that we are having a little girl. We have decided to name her Everly Sandra Larkins, the middle name being after Justin's mother. The ultrasound technician said she was moving around a lot...probably because I drank too much water and my bladder was really full! We got to see lots of different aspects of her anatomy. Hopefully soon I will begin to feel her movements!
After the ultrasound we toured the hospital where I plan on delivering at. I guess Justin and I are really on top of our game. I am 18 weeks pregnant and the other two couples on the tour were 24 and 32 weeks. It is a really nice hospital and apparently whenever a baby is born there they play a lullaby on the intercom system. We can't wait until the time comes for Everly's lullaby to be played!
After the ultrasound we toured the hospital where I plan on delivering at. I guess Justin and I are really on top of our game. I am 18 weeks pregnant and the other two couples on the tour were 24 and 32 weeks. It is a really nice hospital and apparently whenever a baby is born there they play a lullaby on the intercom system. We can't wait until the time comes for Everly's lullaby to be played!
Sunday, May 8, 2011
May 2nd-May 8th
A lot of stuff happened this past week! I probably should have posted earlier but better late than never. Oscar had to go to the vet on Monday to get his teeth cleaned and get a couple pulled. He was all drugged up but he did good and is recovering well-less 2 teeth. He has little shaved areas on his arms where they put the IV in :(.
On Saturday, my little sister Katy lost her first State Cup Game. I don't know if she has ever lost a game in State Cup before! They were up 2-0 before going down 3-2. They came back with 2 minutes left and tied it up. They went through two scoreless halves of OT before heading to PK's. They lost in PK's but Katy played really well and even assisted the first goal with a beautiful pass. It was super hot at the game but I wore SPF 70 and did not get burned!
(That is my older sister Kim next to me...due in about a month!)
Due to the loss, she had to play again on Sunday to stay in the tournament. They beat a team from Tucson so they are still in!
On Saturday afternoon, my older sister Kim and I headed over to SandBar at Desert Ridge for an afternoon with a bunch of girls from our soccer team. It was great seeing everyone...I just wish I could have had a few beers too!
On Sunday, Justin and our amazing brother-in-law Mark Dinslage put the flooring down in our baby's nursery. There is still a little work to be done (i.e. baseboards) but they look great. We are so lucky to have such an amazing family and really appreciated Mark's help. Here are a few pics of the process and the floors now...
P.S. Two more days till we find out...boy or girl??????
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Baby Mod
We are so excited for our most recent purchase. We had been waiting for the crib we wanted to come back in stock and it finally did, so we ordered it! Our baby's crib should arrive in about a week and it is going to be amazing. It will also transform into a toddler bed when the time comes. Here is a pic of it from the website...
5 more days until we find out the sex of our baby!
Sunday, May 1, 2011
The Dog Days are Over
Another weekend has come and gone! We just finished giving the puppies a bath. They were stinky and needed it but something about giving them a bath makes them go crazy. Minnie does pretty good in the tub but Roi does not like it at all. It was hard just to get him into the bathroom.
No noticeable progress was made on the baby room this weekend, however, we did shop for flooring. We decided to go with a Brazilian Cherry Laminate from Home Depot. In other baby news, I am now 17 weeks pregnant and our baby is the size of an onion. This week it has developed it's own set of finger prints! Kinda crazy! A week from Tuesday I have an ultrasound so we can find out the sex of the baby. We are so excited! We have a few top names already decided and can't wait to finalize our decision! Also, apparently I am starting to really look pregnant. At church this weekend the lady next to me said, "Peace be with you and your baby." I was a little surprised by it but I am guessing that I probably had my hand on my stomach during mass and that is why she said something.
In other news, Katy won her soccer game on Saturday. It was all the way out in Casa Grande :(. Her sisters must really like her because Kim and I were both out for the game. (Katy is #13).
And my weekend ended with some tasty spaghetti and turkey meatballs made by my husband! Yum!
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Weekend in Review
Summer is basically here and we are already in full on pool season. On Friday I had the day off so I spent some time with Aspen and took he...

Justin and I have been working on adding some art and decorations in Everly's nursery for a while now. Thanks to some awesome birthday g...
Last weekend I had an extra day off and it still didn't feel like enough time. Thankfully, Spring Break is right around the corner. Fri...