It looks like I will be having this little girl next week which I will post more about in detail later. In the meantime, Oscar has been getting ready for her. He tested out both the bassinet and the crib. I know we really shouldn't encourage it, but he is so darn cute!
Friday, September 30, 2011
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Why it is cool to Blog!
I know that a lot of people think that it is weird that I read blogs and that I have my own blog but there are a lot of reasons I like it. First of all, when our daughter grows up she will have a record of all of the preparations we did before she came and what our life was like when she arrived. I also have family all over the country and not everyone is on Facebook so this is another way to share our lives with them. Just by reading other blogs I have gotten a lot of insight and helpful suggestions on what to expect as a new mother. I have also gotten a lot of creative ideas on decorating, fashion, and new recipes. I really enjoy being a part of the blog world and this morning added one more reason why. I won a giveaway on another awesome baby blog, Living on Love. I won this Frog Pod by Boon for Everly's tub...
I was so excited when I read the email this morning that I won that I totally woke up my husband and shined my bright iphone in his face so he could read the email. He didn't like that so much. We actually registered for a bath toy carrier and never got it so it is super exciting. Can't wait for her to be here so we can put it into use!
Friday, September 23, 2011
Kitty Love Friday
I have never had a cat besides Oscar so I don't always know what is "normal" for cat's and what is not. Our guy is a licker. Every night when he gets into bed he crawls on Justin's chest and licks his chin. Just the other night I was awaken to him licking the bottom of my foot. I don't like it! His tongue feels like sandpaper. It doesn't even feel wet. It is totally weird. He is totally weird. Speaking of weird, here is a video from over a year ago where we caught him with that sandpaper tongue sticking out. It still makes me crack up every time I watch it. p.s. Sorry for the shaky camera...I was just scrambling to catch it on video!
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Pregnancy Updates
So yesterday I had a doctor's appointment at 37 1/2 weeks pregnant and I must say it was pretty annoying! First of all, I must start with the fact that I am pretty much over the whole pregnancy thing. I want our little girl to be here! I am uncomfortable and large and I'm just ready. So, it did not help yesterday that I had to wait for an hour to get into my appointment because the doctor was running behind. I get that he delivers babies and that they don't exactly come on schedule, but the office staff should have given me a heads up instead of letting me sit in the lobby fuming. So, I shouldn't really be surprised that my blood pressure was slightly higher once I got back into the exam room. Because of that, I now have to go in for another checkup on Monday. I am not too worried about my blood pressure, because I think that it was just high because I was mad for having to wait for so long, but we will see how it goes on Monday. As far as my labor progress is going...well, there really isn't much progess. She has not dropped yet, and I am barely 1cm dilated. I'm trying not to get too bummed about that though, because I know that it can change from one day to the next.
This Saturday I will be 38 weeks pregnant and the goal is to make sure our hospital bags are packed (probably should already have been done). We are also switching hospitals from where we originally planned on delivering at so we are going to tour the new hospital this weekend (also probably should already have been done). We are changing for a few reasons. The main reason is that the old hospital (Scottsdale Shea)won't induce me until 41 weeks pregnant and I just can't wait that long! Also, the new hospital (Paradise Valley) is a good 15-20 minutes closer to our house. It is also right next to my doctor's office. Last, if our daughter is born at Paradise Valley Hospital, her birth certificate will say Phoenix, AZ instead of Scottsdale, AZ and we like that better too! We probably should have just picked that hospital first, but better late than never!
This Saturday I will be 38 weeks pregnant and the goal is to make sure our hospital bags are packed (probably should already have been done). We are also switching hospitals from where we originally planned on delivering at so we are going to tour the new hospital this weekend (also probably should already have been done). We are changing for a few reasons. The main reason is that the old hospital (Scottsdale Shea)won't induce me until 41 weeks pregnant and I just can't wait that long! Also, the new hospital (Paradise Valley) is a good 15-20 minutes closer to our house. It is also right next to my doctor's office. Last, if our daughter is born at Paradise Valley Hospital, her birth certificate will say Phoenix, AZ instead of Scottsdale, AZ and we like that better too! We probably should have just picked that hospital first, but better late than never!
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Photo Book
I don't usually print a lot of pictures but I do like to make photo books often. I just finished making this photo book on from our Maternity Pictures taken by Julie from Riddle Road Photography. I really like the books I have gotten from and they are constantly emailing me coupons so it is a win-win situation.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
37 weeks!
I am now 37 weeks pregnant and counting down the days until my due date. I am becoming more and more uncomfortable and ready for our little girl to arrive. It really makes me think that having a child really must be amazing because why else would anyone put themselves through this? I am also really excited to have some time off from work. I have been saving up my leave time for quite a while now and I am ready to put it into use! I think that we are as prepared as we will ever be for Everly's arrival. Her room is ready, her clothes are clean, and as of today I am now considered full-term! Here is a pic of my big belly this morning on a walk with the hounds...
p.s. Don't forget to vote for us!
Friday, September 16, 2011
Kitty Love Friday
Justin and I have noticed that Oscar's habits and routines have changed. There are things that he used to do all of the time that he never does anymore and there are things that he does now that he never did before. It is really funny. One of the things he used to do is jump on top of our kitchen cabinets. He did this in our apartment before we bought our house and then he did it in the house too. It would be funny because we would get home and we couldn't find him and it was because he was on top of the cabinets. He doesn't do it anymore and we think it is because he is getting older and he doesn't jump as much anymore. It could just be laziness too! Anyways, here is a video of him doing it from over a year ago. You also get a glimpse of a younger version of our beagle Roi who just doesn't understand how the cat got up there!
Don't forget to vote daily!
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Giveaway Winner
Congratulations to Stephanie McHugh on winning the KatieBug Creativity giveaway. I hope you love your prize as much as I have love the bedding I have from them. It is truly one of a kind. If you are in the market for new baby bedding and you haven't checked out their shop yet you must!!!
Friday, September 9, 2011
Kitty Love Friday!
Before I started working at the Governor's office I used to work as an auditor for the AZ Department of Gaming. I traveled in that position to casinos all over the state of Arizona and that was the reason I had to find a new position once I became pregnant. I miss a lot of things about that job and some awesome people I worked with...but I do not miss traveling. I do not pack lightly and hated having to load and unload my suitcase. Plus, we weren't exactly going to exciting places, either. Some of the casino locations included Globe and Parker, AZ :( One thing I was recently reminded of though was Oscar's love for suitcases! This is an old pic of him after one of my work trips...
These are after our recent trip to New York. He just loves being on top of and inside our luggage! Wish we could have taken him with us!

These are after our recent trip to New York. He just loves being on top of and inside our luggage! Wish we could have taken him with us!

Monday, September 5, 2011
Thursday, August 25th Justin and I arrived in NYC for a long weekend and our last vacation before Everly is born (and probably for a long time after, too). I don't think we realized how LONG it would actually seem. We had a lot of fun but were glad to come back home. The reason for the trip was my cousin's wedding and it was beautiful! Not even Hurricane Irene could ruin that day! Here are some photos from our trip...
<--Angry husband in Central Park looking for a bathroom for his pregnant wife.
Much happier after finding a bathroom....

Sister Krystyn carrying Cam in Times Square --->
(That's Everly's moby wrap getting some breaking in!)
From left to right: Sister Krystyn and boyfriend Tony, Husband Justin and I, sister Katy, sister Kim and husband Doug. (Missing from pic-- brother Kory!)
At a Yankees game where they won 22-9 and broke a record for scoring 3 grand slams!
In the Yankees Museum
Yancone girls plus Cameron on the train to the city.
<--Angry husband in Central Park looking for a bathroom for his pregnant wife.
Much happier after finding a bathroom....
Husband outside the Dakota where John Lennon lived and was shot just after visiting the Strawberry Fields memorial in Central Park.
Showing Cam stuff at the Natural History Museum.
Sister Krystyn carrying Cam in Times Square --->
(That's Everly's moby wrap getting some breaking in!)
Husband and I outside St. Patrick's Church in Yorktown Heights, NY and my beautiful cousin Krya walking down the aisle with my Uncle!
Everly's cousin Cameron in Church during the ceremony on my sister's shoulder followed by the entire Rohr family outside the church after the ceremony. Look at his little suit!!!!
Father/Daughter Dance
My mom in the back on the far right with her 3 brothers and two sisters at the reception.
Husband and my sister's boyfriend Tony drunk and on the roof of the hotel ending the night by pointing to Hurricane Irene. Or at least, that is what they said they were doing when I found these pics on his phone the next morning!
Friday, September 2, 2011
Kitty Love Friday!
Sorry I missed last Friday while I was in New York. Let's just blame it on Hurricane Irene!
Lately Oscar has been showing more interest in the nursery. Maybe it is because it is starting to become pretty full! Not quite sure, but it is pretty darn cute and the inspiration for this weeks post.
Here he is guarding the entrance.....
And here he is after my husband caught him in Everly's closet...
Lately Oscar has been showing more interest in the nursery. Maybe it is because it is starting to become pretty full! Not quite sure, but it is pretty darn cute and the inspiration for this weeks post.
Here he is guarding the entrance.....
And here he is after my husband caught him in Everly's closet...
He totally knows he runs the house! Also, don't forget to vote by clicking below and check out our giveaway from yesterday's post that is going on right now!
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Etsy Shop Review and Giveaway!
One of the biggest decisions Justin and I made about our nursery was in regards to the bedding. Before we even got pregnant, we thought we liked some of the things in baby stores, but when it actually came to picking out something for Everly's nursery, we realized we wanted something different. We chose to go with custom bedding and began searching on Etsy to find someone to make it. There are a lot of people who make custom baby bedding on Etsy, so I spent a good amount of time doing some research and comparing prices. Baby bedding is expensive, and custom bedding can be even more! When I came across Wendi's shop KatieBug Creativity on Etsy, we knew we had found the one. First of all, she works with one of the designer fabrics we were looking to use, Joel Dewberry. Also, even if you don't see the fabric you want in her shop, you can just contact her to work that out! It doesn't get much better than that! I think the deciding factor for us choosing this shop, however, was the price. She has so many different crib bedding packages and will create a custom package for you if you don't see one that fits your needs. For what you get in these bedding sets, there are no better prices on Etsy. Trust me, I searched! Plus, you can see some of these photos of her work, it is amazing!

There are several ways to enter this giveaway. For each entry, make sure you leave a comment with your email so that I can contact you if you are the winner!
I think what I like best about her shop is that it is custom. You can't find this anywhere else or in stores, and what parents don't want their baby to be unique? She offers so many other items in her shop as well including changing pad covers, pillows, curtains, and boppy pillow covers. She will even work with you to create a baby registry through her shop so that your friends and family can help you purchase the bedding you really want!
Working with Wendi from KatieBug Creativity has been so great and that is why I am even more excited to announce our first giveaway on our blog! KatieBug Creativity has offered to make a custom item for one of our readers! You get the choice of either a custom changing pad cover or a custom boppy pillow cover!

There are several ways to enter this giveaway. For each entry, make sure you leave a comment with your email so that I can contact you if you are the winner!
1. Visit KatieBugCreativity then post a comment with your favorite item from the shop to earn 1 entry.
2. Follow this Blog through Google Friend Connect by clicking "Join this Site" in the upper right hand corner and leave a comment for an additional entry.
3. Add KatieBugCreativity to your favorites on Etsy and leave a comment for an additional entry.
The winner will be chosen using one week from today so make sure you get your entries in! Also, Wendi is currently offering 15% off all ready to ship items in her shop so make sure you check it out! And last, we sure would appreciate your daily vote...just click below!
The winner will be chosen using one week from today so make sure you get your entries in! Also, Wendi is currently offering 15% off all ready to ship items in her shop so make sure you check it out! And last, we sure would appreciate your daily vote...just click below!
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Weekend in Review
Summer is basically here and we are already in full on pool season. On Friday I had the day off so I spent some time with Aspen and took he...

Justin and I have been working on adding some art and decorations in Everly's nursery for a while now. Thanks to some awesome birthday g...
Last weekend I had an extra day off and it still didn't feel like enough time. Thankfully, Spring Break is right around the corner. Fri...