Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Cameron's First Birthday

This past weekend we celebrated my nephew Cameron's first birthday. It was a baseball themed party and we all dressed up in baseball themed outfits for the party. There was peanuts, popcorn, and cracker jax to snack on we had hot dogs for dinner. The house was decorated and there was even an area with pictures of Cameron from every month. Justin made his delicious red skin potato salad with bacon for the party and of course my mom's pasta salad was present as well. There were all kinds of baseball games with cute prizes for the kids in the backyard, although the outdoor activities got cut short when a haboob showed up. We also made a little baseball photo background for fun pictures which turned out pretty well. Cameron is one lucky boy! He got so many fun presents that Everly has already gotten to try out. He also loved smashing into his first cake although he didn't actually put any in his mouth for a while, which is weird because Everly puts everything in her mouth first and Cameron usually does to. He had cake all over the place and therefore he was whisked away for a quick bath. We had a lot of fun and are so happy to have little Cameron in our lives. He is one of the sweetest baby boys you will ever meet and we can't believe how fast Year 1 went by! Here are a few pics from the day....

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day

Today is a very special day because we get to celebrate how lucky we are to have Justin in our lives. From before Everly was even born, Justin was an amazing father. He worked hard to get her nursery ready and did everything he could to make me comfortable while I carried her. Now that she is around. It is no different. Everly may not know it yet, and she may very well dislike us when she is a teenager, but she is so lucky to have Justin as a father. He loves her so much and would do anything for her and we love him equally.

The moment they met. 

In other words, I do want to say Happy Father's Day to my own father today. To keep it short, we have gone through a lot. However, my dad is a genuinely kind man and he has taught me a lot about faith. We are in a good place now and I can't imagine not having my father in my life.  We went to dinner last week because he is in Japan right now for work but he knows we love him. Happy Father's Day to all of the father's out there!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Sleeping Beauty

Sometimes when I wake up I just stare at Everly before I get up and start my day. It is so amazing to see how much she is growing and how much personality she has. Sometimes she is a handful, but most of the time she is just a sweet little girl. She can be so funny at times too! I know that most babies do this, but I love it when Everly acts like she still has her pacifier in her mouth and keeps sucking even when there is nothing in her mouth. I don't know why but I just think it is the cutest thing when babies do this. Here is a little video of her doing it the other morning...so sweet!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Kitty Love Friday

Due to the fact that our dogs are crazy, we lose a lot of toys in this house. Both baby toys and cat toys have seen their last day in a hound dog's mouth. Oscar loved this toy that was a stick with a string that had a bunch of feathers hanging at the end of it. Well, we saved the stick and string but the pups got the feathers a while back. So, we tied this little mouse to it and he loves it just the same. In fact, he goes crazy over it and brings it into our bed almost every night! I am pretty proud of our makeshift cat toy.... hopefully we are equally as successful with baby toys in the future!  Happy Friday!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Baby Milestone: Crawling!

Yesterday little Everly really started to crawl. She has been so close to doing it for a while and I guess she found the motivation yesterday. She does drag one leg a little bit which is really funny and you will see it a little in the video below. She takes a break in the video for a few seconds but keep watching! We are so proud of her!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Children's Museum of Phoenix

Last Friday night we went to the Children's Museum of Phoenix. On the first friday night of every month it is completely free from 5-9. Because of that, it was super crazy packed there, but it was still worth it because Everly and Cameron had a blast. It was Cameron's second time going and Everly's first. They have a lot of things that will be super awesome for them to play with when they get a little older but they also have lots of baby areas as well. I am glad we went! By the end of the night Everly was so exhausted she passed out as soon as we put her in her stroller!

She had so much fun meeting a new friend aka herself in the mirror

loves her papa

and then cam goes for evie
so happy!

our little family

can't wait until they can play in this!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

8 Month Update

Today Everly is 8 months old! This past month has been a lot of fun. We have started going to the pool in our community a lot and Everly loves it. It has a beached entry so she can just sit there and splash all day long. We can't wait to take her to the beach in a few weeks. Everly has continued to put on the weight. I am not quite sure how much longer she will be in size 3 diapers for. She still fits into some 6 month clothes but also fits into most 12 months clothes! She is now in a pretty good routine as far as eating 3 meals a day. We have even introduced a little meat into her diet. She loves banana and we often sneak it into dinner if she doesn't seem to be eating it! She is really good at sitting up and transitioning from on her hands and knees back into sitting. She rocks back and forth like crazy but is not quite crawling yet. This month it will happen for sure! She loves her johnny jumper and it is so funny to watch her jump around in it. She has regressed more with her sleeping routine. Most nights she is in our bed. We try to put her in her crib and she just wakes up. In our bed, she sleeps through the whole night which means we also sleep through the whole night! I don't hate having her there either, she is so cute! But we know it is not a good habit to get into, so we are trying to get her back into her crib. She has kind of started to do this waving thing that is really cute. I don't think she really means to wave yet, but it is still cute! This month will be our first family vacation, which also means Everly's first plane ride (not counting the plane ride when I was 34 weeks pregnant!) We are really hoping she does well and are so excited for the trip!

Everly really wanted to stand up during this photo shoot! 

Monday, June 4, 2012


Last week Justin, my sister and I saw fun in concert! This was my second time seeing them but my sister's first time. We saw them at the Mesa Arts Center and we really like that theatre a lot. It is pretty small and every seat in the house is good. I don't mean to sound annoying, but it was a really fun show. The music is upbeat and I always love seeing them. If you get a chance to see them, I recommend going. Here are a few pics from the night and a video of them doing a cover of The Rolling Stones!

pics taken by my sister

we may have brought in our own beers....

so happy we enjoy going to concerts together


Friday, June 1, 2012

Kitty Love Friday

I have been noticing a lot of similarities between my baby and my cat. One thing in particular is their love for electronics. Both Oscar and Everly are obsessed with the iPhones and remote controls. When Everly starts to really crawl, it will be because she was going for an electronic. And Oscar....in bed he tries to bite at the remote if you are changing channels and he often likes to use our phones as a pillow. What a weirdo!

Happy Friday! 

Weekend in Review

Summer is basically here and we are already in full on pool season. On Friday I had the day off so I spent some time with Aspen and took he...