Yesterday afternoon I was able to leave work a little early to make it to Everly's school for her Valentine's Day party. It was really fun to see her in her class again. Similar to her Christmas party, they kids decorated cookies and then all had their Valentine's bags handed out. Everly was so excited to go through all of her Valentine's. She loved reading who each was from. It is so fun at this age because all of the kids really like each other. They love sharing things with each other and there are no cliques or anything, at least, not in her class. There was only like 4 other parents that were able to go so I realize how lucky I am to be able to make it to these things occasionally. I took her home after the party and we went to Target and then picked up Aspen which I don't normally do so it was fun. Hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day!
Lots of treats in the bag she decorated.
Going through her goodies, and her buddy Tristan.
She ate that entire cookie. Also the picture was on her class board outside her room. Not accurate.