Friday, April 20, 2012

Kitty Love Friday (And an Anniversary!)

This past week (April 15th) marked 3 years for us in our home so I thought I would add an old picture this week from shortly after we bought the house. Even though we don't plan on moving, 3 years is a really cool year for us because we received the first time homebuyer's credit and if you moved before 3 years was up you would have to pay it back so now we are free and clear! When we first moved in 3 years ago it was just us and Oscar! Now he has to share the house with 2 hound dogs and a baby girl! When we got the house we painted the entire inside. These pics are from when Justin was painting our 1/2 bath and Oscar thought he would help!

I decided to share a pic of how the bathroom turned out because I was afraid you might be concerned after how the paint job started out in that first pic! Haha! 

We have a busy weekend and week coming up! Tomorrow is the Pat Tillman Run ( I will share pictures after)! This year will be my 4th time running the 4.2 mile run and Justin's 2nd time running! We didn't run it last year due to the pregnancy but we did run it 3 years ago despite having just got the keys to our house the day before! It is an awesome run and I am excited to be back in it! Also, next Friday I leave for Vegas with my sister for a soccer tournament. It will be my first overnight away from Everly so I have a lot to prepare for! Have a great Friday!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Arizona Science Center

The Arizona Science Center currently has a Van Gogh Exhibit that is being sponsored by JPMorgan Chase. Because of that Chase employees (my husband) were able to get into the the Science Center for free during the entire month of April and bring 4 people with them! We also got discounted pricing to see the Van Gogh Experience. I am so glad we went last weekend. We had a ton of fun. I was afraid she would not be able to do enough there, but I was wrong. It definitely will be fun once she gets a little older, but there were plenty of things there that were stimulating to babies. My sister, her husband and little Cameron joined us. I really enjoyed the Van Gogh Experience as well, but it is not really for kids. It is much more mellow and you kind of have to be quiet inside. If you live in AZ and have never been to the Science Center you should definitely go...especially if you have kids! We need to make a trip to the Arizona Museum for Children next. It is right next door and they have free admission the first friday of every month from 5-9. Hopefully in June we can make it!

Instagram Photos

Here are a few of our recent favorites! Also, I am loving all the new people I can follow now on instagram since they have added it for Android!

Wooden teether's via Little Sapling Toys

Dog Park!

super tired!

We have had a lot of tongue pics lately!

The hound dogs and their easter bones!

Crazy Cameron getting into the electronics! Such a boy!

Easter present from Aunt Kimmy!

Afternoon easter outfit!

Morning cuddles with papa!

Finally big enough to use her wagon!

Friday's with bark puppy

My easter present from my sister!

too cool!

Oh hey!

A post 6 month checkup update!

I normally don't do this type of update, but Everly had such a significant weight growth from 5-6 months that I just had to share it. At her 5 month weigh-in she was 11.8 lbs and in the 5th percentile. At 6 months she was 14.14 lbs and in the 25th percentile! We were so excited that she was finally starting to put on weight. She was so cute at the doctor's office too! They gave her a book about eating food, although she has been doing great with that. She got an oral vaccination and she absolutely loves it. She grabbed the tech's hand like it was candy. She had a couple of shots in her leg and she screamed, but she calmed down pretty quick after that. She won't be back for a checkup now until 9 months! Hopefully by then she will have some teeth!


Post shot tears :(

A new book makes the shots hurt a little less!


I know it is late but I wanted to share a few pictures from Everly's first Easter. It was a beautiful spring day. We started it off with Church in the morning (which we were late for because she decided to poop on the way there). Then we had breakfast with the whole family. After breakfast we colored easter eggs and had an easter egg hunt. All of that really wore out Everly because after that she took a 4 hour nap! We ended the day with a delicious ham dinner. All in all it was a great day!

Our little family

This is her new thing

Sisters making breakfast 

Completely staged photo!


yummy honey-baked ham!

Easter Egg Hunt Candy!

Some people took the hunt a little too seriously...

This is not staged, they were sprinting!

Weekend in Review

Summer is basically here and we are already in full on pool season. On Friday I had the day off so I spent some time with Aspen and took he...