We had originally planned to have a little family breakfast at a new to us restaurant for Mother's Day, but when I realized the
Schnepf Farms Peach Festival was also going on, we changed up our plans and decided to head there instead with my sister and her family. I had never been before and had been wanting to go. It is about an hour from us so it is no small trip. We packed up the car early and got to the farm before 8:00 a.m. There was already a line for the Peachy Pancake Breakfast so we decided to go pick some peaches before eating pancakes. We took a little hayride out to the orchards and all 3 kids actually did really great picking peaches and putting them in our box. Teddy was a monster peach eater. He had it all over his face. Everly actually liked it too. I am not a huge peach fan, but they were really good peaches. After we picked peaches we headed back and the kids took a little train ride while I saved our spot in line for breakfast. They pancakes were insane. The pictures don't do it justice. They were bigger in real life. After we ate the kids went on a carousel, checked out some animals, and did some bouncing on a giant air bubble thing (Kim's favorite part). It wasn't too hot out and the kids had a blast which is basically all I wanted for Mother's Day. I love being able to take Everly to do fun things and see new places. We got some pretty awesome pictures too...

Teddy is crazy and apparently Everly has outgrown that dress. |
A good family photo (a.k.a. a miracle) |
She is the sweetest. |
Probably my favorite pic of the day |
Larger in real life. |
Belly!!! |
Waving to papa. |
He loves bouncing. |
That face. |
They don't care about the fact that I want a picture. |
Kim said she is putting one in her backyard...haha. |
Fun day. Too bad we forgot the peaches there