Thursday, July 31, 2014

Toddler Talk

I am horrible about documenting all of the hilarious things that Everly says but I did manage to write a couple down this week. They are both money related, which should not be a surprise considering Justin is a banker and I work in an accounting office.

Everly to us: I need to go shopping.
Me: You need to go shopping?
Everly: Yea.
Me: What do you need to buy?
Everly: Monies.
Justin: Can you get me some? 

Everly: Can I have $50 dollars?
Me: For what?
Everly: 20 minutes.

Also, the picture at the top is from when I gave Everly her taco salad for dinner this week and she looked at me and asked, "Where is the guacamole?" Girl knows what she wants, I guess.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Weekend in Review

Justin had this past weekend off (it usually is every other weekend although he never works on Sundays) and it is always nice to have him home. We didn't have any big plans and it was a pretty nice weekend. On Saturday morning Justin went for a run before I went to the gym and then when I got back we all had eggs and toast for breakfast. It is so funny because all 3 of us eat our eggs differently. Everly has one egg scrambled with toast and jelly, I have two scrambled but I mix in tomato, bell pepper, and onion and top with a little cheese and tobasco and Justin had some kind of fried concoction on top of toast with cheese and hot sauce. We don't get to sit down together and eat breakfast during the week so it was nice to on Saturday. Later we went to lunch downtown to celebrate a friend's birthday. Everly is just at a really fun age and she constantly cracks us up. When we took the picture above at lunch she said we were squishing her, haha. On Saturday night I went to mass by myself because Everly was still napping and to be honest it was kind of nice. Sometimes it is hard to listen and focus during mass with a toddler and then I feel guilty after because I am Catholic. After church my sister and the boys came over for a night swim with lots of jumping in. Those kids are crazy. Saturday night we got a CRAZY monsoon storm that woke us up and my sister even lost power for a little. There was so much thunder and lightening!
Sunday morning we all slept in a little longer than normal. Also, I guess I must be nesting because we got a lot of cleaning/re-organizing done that day. We have a pretty large 2-car garage (at least compared to our last one) and we weren't fully utilizing it. It also kind of became a dumping ground during the move. Now it looks awesome and there is more room to get in and out of the car which will be extra nice once I have to carry a baby in a car seat in and out of the car. No real updates on the nursery, but in cleaning out the garage we moved more baby stuff upstairs and did set up the bassinet/mini pack'n'play next to my side of the bed in our room. Our new room is so much bigger which makes it a lot easier to have that in there and not be cramped. Saturday night we had a nice dinner at my sister's and played Cards Against Humanity for the first time. Oh man! That game is funny, and thankfully we did not invite my mom to play.


Friday, July 25, 2014

Pregnancy Update: 34 Weeks

How far along? 34 weeks

How big is baby? The size of a pineapple!

Total weight gain/loss:  A lot. I have come to accept that I am just one of those people that gains a lot of weight during pregnancy. I am not perfect, but I am healthy, and active, and it does no good for anyone to obsess about the scale.

Maternity clothes? Yes, but a lot of non-maternity too in larger sizes that I had from before. Lots of dresses. At this point my favorite are my old navy maternity tanks. I can wear them to work with a cardigan and I can also workout with them and not worry about my belly peaking out.

Sleep: Mostly good. Cat is still a jerk and he actually bit my toe this week.

Best moment this week: I finally nailed down my decisions and ordered the bedding for Aspen's nursery. Also, Everly moved out of the toddler-converted crib and into her own twin size I feel I must include this song...haha.

Movement: Lots. Nothing painful, but usually pretty uncomfortable unless I am laying down on my side.

Food cravings:  The usual carbs, but I guess I should also include fish tacos. We have added those to our rotation of weeknight meals and I have been enjoying it.

Food Aversions: None really. I pretty much eat everything, obviously.

Gender: Girl

Labor Signs:  Not that I know of.

Pregnancy Symptoms:  Nothing new at this point...and my skin has still not gotten remotely close to what it was with Everly so that is a bonus!

Belly Button in or out? In. I don't think mine will ever go out.

What I miss:  same stuff still: beer, fitting comfortably into clothes, being able to exercise at the same level/intensity as before I was pregnant, playing soccer and beer...again.

What I am looking forward to: maternity leave. I know it is not going to be a walk in the park but I have not taken time off basically this whole pregnancy to save up for my leave so yea, I am looking forward to 3 months away from the office. I am lucky that I like my job, but still 3 months at home will be nice.

Upcoming appointments/events:  I have an appointment next Tuesday and then every week after that through September 3rd for now (due Sept. 5th).

Milestones: Still wearing my wedding rings and no noticeable swelling. Although, I am not too worried for once I do start swelling a little more because I am reading Natural Childbirth the Bradley Way and it mentioned that a slight amount of water retention is actually beneficial.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Nursery and Toddler Room Updates

On top of getting some laundry done last weekend, we made some more progress on the nursery and on Everly's room. Justin finished re-painting one of Everly's bunk beds so we set it up in her room. This bed will actually be the top bunk one the other is finished (hopefully next weekend). Justin picked up some plain sheets to put on her bed until we figure out which bedding we want to go with. Everly (and Oscar) loved the bed. She immediately had to lay in it and jump on it. This also allowed Justin to take apart the crib and put it back together in the nursery. We have a lot of toys and other baby items (bathtub, bouncer, swing, bumbo, etc.) that we need to move out of the nursery and then it won't look so crazy in there. It is probably a little smaller than Everly's nursery was, but with the playroom across the hallway I am not worried at all. All she really needs to do in there is sleep and store her clothes! Hopefully I can get the rest of her bedding ordered this week and then we just need to work on decorating and art. My sister is going to help me make a tassle garland and Justin is going to make another mobile. Just over 6 weeks to go!

Loves it!
He owns everything.
That wall totally looks black but it is actually navy like her crib sheet.
The dresser is starting to fill up with cute baby clothes!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Weekend Recap

This weekend we did not have anything planned and it was nice to relax after being gone most of last week. On Friday night my sister came over with one of my nephews and we went swimming for a little before making homemade pizza. On Saturday morning we relaxed at home before heading to story time at the library. We had been going to story time during the week, but honestly I am at the point where I just want to go home and relax after work during the week so going on the weekend makes me not feel guilty for skipping the library during the week. On this day they read books about corn and even made a little art project. We checked out some books to last us for the week and then headed to Costco to pick up some things.

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Everly loves using that self-timer app to take pictures. There are some random pictures on my camera I need to delete. Saturday afternoon I did the majority of my grocery shopping after Justin got home and then we had dinner at home thanks to a few items we got from Costco.
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On Sunday morning we shopped for produce and got some coffee (and surprisingly Everly did not beg us for chocolate milk from Starbuck's)! My sister came over to swim again with both boys and my mom before lunch. My nephew Cameron is so good at swimming with his puddle jumper. Everly still doesn't like us letting go of her whereas Cameron doesn't want anyone to bother him while he is swimming. They both love jumping in though! Sunday afternoon we started doing some laundry for Aspen. There is so much baby stuff! We also started on working on getting some of the protein breast milk stains out of some of Everly's old onesies. Some of them are so cute so I hope we can get them all out! On Sunday night we went over to my sister's house for my brother's birthday dinner. Everly insisted it was her birthday even though she actually knows her birthday is October 5th. She helped my brother blow out his birthday candles before devouring some ice cream cake.

Aspen's coming home outfit is on the left and some of Everly's old kitty onesies are on the right. No wonder she loves kitties so much!
Hoping the Oxi Clean works!
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This week is also my last full week with no doctor's appointments which I am hoping makes August go by super fast! 

Monday, July 21, 2014

Prescott Trip

The lack of posting last week was due to the fact that I was in Prescott for work. I went up on Tuesday and left Friday afternoon. On Thursday afternoon my sister came up with all 3 kids and hung out and spent the night before heading back Friday. Luckily the drive is not bad, otherwise I would not do it alone at 33 weeks pregnant. It is only about 90 minutes and totally worth it because it was like 30 degrees cooler. I really enjoy Prescott because it is not that far away, it is a complete change from Phoenix, but it still has everything I need like a Starbucks and Target, haha. I stayed at the Prescott Resort and the room was great. The hotel had a gym so I was able to still get in my workouts and I enjoyed the break from the normal work week, although it will probably take me all of today to get through my emails from being gone 4 days! Before my sister got there I really tried to enjoy the quiet time in between conference sessions. I finished a book, watched a movie on Netflix, and cleaned my makeup brushes. On the afternoon she arrived we took the kids to a playground and park and went on a little walk. That night we took the kids to Peter Piper Pizza and they had a blast. Teddy got a truck, Everly got a princess crown and Cameron got to play basketball. All three also ate really well for us (minus Teddy squeezing his milk, Cam shaking his applesauce pouch, and  Everly spitting her milk out after drinking it too fast). It's funny because even when they are awesome and having fun and do really well, it still looks like a hot mess! We weren't sure if they would have fun with all of the games but they really did so now we know we can go again! After dinner we went to the center part of town to fill up a growler of local beer for Justin and they were having an orchestra play in the center of town just outside the courthouse. We hung out and the kids had a blast. Cam enjoyed relaxing and listening while Teddy and Everly enjoyed chasing after each other and running in the grass (which we don't see a lot of in Phoenix, especially in the summer). Everly had a little nightmare that night but other than that everyone slept pretty good. The boys had their own little suite with their pack and plays and did surprisingly well. We had bagels outside and then played a little at a park before heading home. I am so thankful that my sister brought the kids up and I hope they enjoyed it as much as I did.

View from the hotel. 
Head massager!
Getting into my makeup in the hotel room. 
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Practicing for when she has three of her own...haha. 




Everly said he looked like Minnie!
Cutest little town
Everly knocked Teddy down and he just laid there like a corpse. It was hilarious. 

Pajama boys
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Kisses for Mommy
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Sunday, July 20, 2014

Zoo Day

I know it seems silly to post about another zoo day but I plan to make a photo book of all of our summer zoo trips so posting here is an easy way for me to document them. Last Sunday we got up bright and early to get into the zoo before it even opened to the public. This is the only way we can survive the summers...getting up before it gets too hot! My sister and the boys met us there and all three kids were wearing there matching Nikes so it was super cute! Everly loves spending time with her boys! Her and Teddy are going to be trouble. They love each other one second and are stealing toys from each other and fighting the next. Teddy is having a major growth spurt as well and learning so many new words. When walking up to the zoo he kept saying "turtle" and it was adorable. All 3 kids also did awesome on the carousel too (Teddy normally gets scared, Everly throws a fit when it's done and Cameron hates waiting for it to start but that day they did great)! It also wouldn't be a summer zoo trip without hitting up the splash pad before leaving. Teddy fell asleep before they even finished loading up the car so it was definitely a success!

Checking out the turtles




Three amigos
We are pretty sure that jaguar wanted to eat Teddy
Um, hi, can you not look so grown up. K Thanks. 
Teddy in the background pouring buckets of water on his brother! 

Weekend in Review

Summer is basically here and we are already in full on pool season. On Friday I had the day off so I spent some time with Aspen and took he...