I know it seems silly to post about another zoo day but I plan to make a photo book of all of our summer zoo trips so posting here is an easy way for me to document them. Last Sunday we got up bright and early to get into the zoo before it even opened to the public. This is the only way we can survive the summers...getting up before it gets too hot! My sister and the boys met us there and all three kids were wearing there matching Nikes so it was super cute! Everly loves spending time with her boys! Her and Teddy are going to be trouble. They love each other one second and are stealing toys from each other and fighting the next. Teddy is having a major growth spurt as well and learning so many new words. When walking up to the zoo he kept saying "turtle" and it was adorable. All 3 kids also did awesome on the carousel too (Teddy normally gets scared, Everly throws a fit when it's done and Cameron hates waiting for it to start but that day they did great)! It also wouldn't be a summer zoo trip without hitting up the splash pad before leaving. Teddy fell asleep before they even finished loading up the car so it was definitely a success!
Checking out the turtles |
Three amigos |
We are pretty sure that jaguar wanted to eat Teddy |
Um, hi, can you not look so grown up. K Thanks. |
Teddy in the background pouring buckets of water on his brother! |
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