Yesterday Aspen turned 3 weeks old. Today we took her in for a weight check and I am so happy that she is not only back up to her birth weight but has surpassed it by a couple of ounces. She is now 8lbs and 11 oz. I was never really worried because she was pooping and peeing but now we don't have to go in and get checked anymore or potentially supplement with formula. We won't go back for a checkup until she is 2 months old. It feels like Aspen has been here longer than 3 weeks. She really is a pretty good baby. She even slept 6 hours the other night and I needed it bad because I had a little cold I was getting over...so thanks Aspen! Sometimes she gets a little fussy at night but other than that nursing has been going really well. She still loves sleeping on her side and being held up on my shoulder. She is also awake for longer stretches now but still sleeping a lot. I feel like any day now she is going to start making more cooing sounds and I can't wait for it! Also, Aspen loves riding in the car, but hates it when we are stopped. Good thing is she stops fussing again when we start moving but sitting at the bank drive through was real fun the other day! My sister watched Aspen while I played in my first postpartum soccer game last weekend and she was such a little angel on the sideline. I heard other kids screaming but Aspen was perfect the entire game. She is still in newborn clothes and diapers but also fits in some 3 month clothes and jammies. I have a lot of newborn halloween stuff from Everly so hopefully we can get a little use out of that before she really starts packing on the pounds!
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