Yesterday Aspen turned 3 months old. It has been a very busy month for her. We celebrated her papa's birthday, her first Thanksgiving (and black Friday) and last weekend she made her first trip to Disneyland. I think Aspen is getting close to rolling over and actually rolled off the couch at my sister's house a couple of weeks ago (oops!). I feel like we have also noticed a growth spurt in her hair as well. She does not have as much as Everly did but it seems to be coming in a little more. She is still 100% breastfed and nursing great. Now that I am back to work she gets pumped milk for most of the day during the week and I only nurse her once or twice at night but on the weekends I go back to nursing full time. She has had no problems going back and forth between the bottle and me so that is great. She has also discovered her toes which is really cute, although they haven't quite made it into her mouth yet. She loves the Oball playmat that my mom got her and this month we also discovered that she likes the song "Jingle Bells" because Everly sings it All. The. Time. We have gotten several giggles from her which are just the best and in general she is just a really happy easy baby. She is not a big fan of her car seat but still loves to be worn. She is in size 3 month clothes but probably not far from moving to 6 month jammies and she actually went in for a weight check today and is now 10 lbs 12 oz (only up 6 oz from last month). We are going to increase some of her bottles and see if that helps her gain more weight because she is now in like the 1st percentile. We will take her back in for a weight check again in a couple weeks. I have a feeling that is has to do with the fact that she started sleeping through the night so quickly. She is still doing great at sleeping in her crib and I don't want to jinx it, but I can't remember the last time we had to get up during the middle of the night with her. She is still adjusting to daycare but I think it is just going to take time for the staff to learn what she likes and doesn't as it did for us as well. She did get a 2.5 hour nap there yesterday though so that is pretty darn good. Things are definitely more complicated with 2 kids but we just love baby Aspen so much and can't wait to watch her grow.
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