Last Saturday I took Everly to a free trial of a gymnastics class at a gym close to our house. It was kinda crazy packed when we got there because of the classes ending and starting, but my sister met me there which helped out. Everly was super excited but then got a little scared when it was time for her to go with the teacher and enter the gym. She started to cry so we gave her a second. We were looking through the glass and the start of the class the kids had little beanie babies and that was all it took to get her inside. She was definitely still a little hesitant but not crying or anything. It was so cute to watch! The class was 45 minutes and I wish I could have been in there with her to see it better and cheer her on, but I had to just watch through the glass. It is kind of expensive (as are all extra-curricular activities) but it seems really great for the social skills, coordination, and learning to follow directions. Overall, she had a lot of fun and I had a lot of fun watching her!

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