Last Saturday Everly attended her first Home Depot Kids Workshop. We had been wanting to do one for a while and we live super close to a Home Depot so we finally signed her up. It also helps that Justin has Saturdays off now! Justin took her by himself and I stayed home with baby Aspen. At this class they were building planters with a chalkboard sign behind it. Justin said it was kind of a big production and they had food vendors and a blow up bouncy house. He said that he ended up doing a lot of the work but she got out there and tried and had fun so that is all that matters, right? Justin also sent me this cute video while she was painting and she is saying, "Mama is gonna be so proud of me." How sweet it that! Haha. She got some Rita's Italian Ice afterwards and then came home and did a fantastic pose with her completed project. Also, you will notice that Figaro also attended the workshop and posed in the picture with her. She said the kids wanted to see him. The workshops are free and you can search for them by location here!
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