Thursday, May 28, 2015

Weekend in Review

Last weekend we had a lot going on but it was a good one. On Saturday morning I had soccer and after we headed to Lakeshore Learning again for a Memorial Day craft. The kids made American flags out of tongue depressors that they painted. It was cute and free! I could do with a little less fighting between Everly and Teddy but such is life. I had been craving In N Out burger for like 2 weeks so we went there for lunch after. I got home and showered before meeting my mom and sisters for some sale shopping at Francesca's with no kids. That's right, all of us girls with no kids. That is kind of a miracle especially right now since 2 of us are still nursing our babies and one is in college. It was very awesome. I got a few things on clearance and then we even had time to go to Starbuck's afterwards and sit and enjoy the time for a little longer. I honestly don't know if we have ever all done that before but it was nice and we should do it more. We took it easy Saturday night and just had Pei Wei after church. On Sunday we went to a friend's house from soccer for a Memorial Day barbecue. Justin brought his bacon potato salad and the rest of the food was delicious. So much meat! My sister and I planned to bring our girls in matching outfits and ended up also showing up in matching flip flops ourselves (unplanned). Thanks Target clearance. We played some yard games and hung out and it was nice. We had only brought Aspen because we knew Ev wanted to hang out with her boys. We didn't stay out too late because we were getting up super early for a day trip up north. I will share pics of that later because I have sooooo many. It was a great weekend!

so dang cute
Teddy can hold his own painting...Ev needed some guidance.
Kid-free clearance shopping!
Kid-free coffee drinking! (or tea or cake pop, haha)
Mae was so over it.
I'm wearing Mae in this pic. She is a bit high maintenance like Ev was in the first few months.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Baby Milestone!

Last Friday Aspen hit a baby milestone. No, she has not popped any teeth yet. Instead, she crawled for the first time! She has been getting around for a while now scooting and rolling but this was the first time we caught her legitimately crawling on all fours. My guess is that she had already done this at daycare where she sees other babies do this, but it was still super exciting to see. She is so cute and so happy and now going to be getting into all of her sister's toys! Also, all of the remotes. She loves remotes and cell phones. It won't be long before she starts pulling herself up on things. She has been trying to at the fireplace so it is really only a matter of time. Here is a video of her first crawl:

Friday, May 22, 2015

Fire Station Visit

Last week my sister mentioned she was going to take the boys to get a tour at a local fire station that one of our old high school friends works at. I asked her if she would take Ev with her and she said yes so today Aspen went to daycare and Everly went to my sister's house in the morning so she could go tour the fire station with them. Everly loves to do anything with her cousins and I am pretty sure all kids love fire trucks so she was pretty excited. I wish I could have gone too but I am glad I have family that is willing to do these things with my kids. My mom and other sister ended up going as well. The kids got to ride on the truck through the neighborhood, play with the hose, tour the house and see where they sleep, and look at all of the equipment. I briefly talked to Everly about it on the phone and she seemed to have a good time and by the looks of the pictures my sisters sent me they all had a blast. Great start to a long Memorial Day Weekend!Thanks Jen, Fire Station #35, and to all of the police officers, fire fighters, and men and women in the armed services that keeps us safe!

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so cute!
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Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Weekend in Review

This past weekend we did not have a ton on the schedule but it was still a fun and productive weekend. It started off Saturday morning with a 5 mile trail run for me. I ran with my older sister, friend, little sister, and her boyfriend. It was muddy and we got a little rain, but it was so good. Love starting the day off with a run and love having other people to run with. When I got home the girls were super cute and got in some play time on Ev's top bunk. Later that morning I met my sister at Lakeshore Learning for the free-craft Saturday. They do a free craft every Saturday from 11-3 and this week it was making a hot air balloon. The kids had more fun playing with the kinetic sand display but hey, fun is fun. We also had my niece's son Remi for a few hours on Saturday so when the girls and I got home from crafts they got to play with him for a little bit. He loves both of the girls. Everly loved the attention and didn't want to take a nap. Aspen was a little scared by his (completely normal) baby grabbiness. It was cute. Saturday night we went to dinner with my mom and sisters and on Sunday we basically spent all day at home cleaning. Justin ran in the morning and I left for a bit to do grocery shopping but the girls were home all day. Sometimes you just need to have a day with nothing on the schedule and that was nice. We already have a lot on the schedule for this upcoming 3-day weekend so last weekend was nice to catch up!

Saturday morning trail run.
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She was wearing a hot air balloon onesie! Haha!
playing and fighting
Remi and the girls
sorry remi, you are surrounded by girls!

Monday, May 18, 2015

8 Month Update


This past Saturday Aspen turned 8 Months old. She still has no teeth but has had a lot of other developments this past month. She is starting to wear size 3 diapers and 9 month clothes. She is a pro at sitting up and also transitions herself from laying down to sitting up. She does a lot of rocking on her knees and some army crawling/scooting. She definitely gets around if she wants to, but no formal crawling yet. She eats solids consistently 2x a day and we are working her up to 3. She is still getting breast milk and we have not had to supplement with formula. She makes all kinds of sounds like mama, papa, and baba and she even waves bye now. Even with some moments of obvious discomfort from teething, she is still a really happy and easy baby. She loves her big sister and laughs at her all of the time. She is just so loveable and cute and finally starting to get more squishy! I mean look at those thigh rolls!!!

Friday, May 15, 2015

Water Safety Day 2015

Last weekend we attended water safety day at the Pointe for the second year in a row. This year it was at the Point Tapatio as opposed to the Point Squaw Peak where it was last year and you can read about that here. We almost didn't go because it was not going to be very warm, but we found out the pools are heated to 82 so we decided to go anyways. My mom, Cameron, Justin and Everly got there early and then Kim, Teddy, Me and Aspen met them up after our morning soccer game. The kids had fun splashing around, and the resort is nice, but this year the event was no where near as good as it was two years ago. Also, the Squaw Peak resort has a lazy river and the Tapatio one does not so that is a bummer. It is a free event so we will probably go again next year if they have it, but hopefully they switch back to Squaw Peak again!
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We got there a little late but there was a lot more activity and information last year.
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 Aspen is still unsure of it all but Ev loved the beach entry.
Cam is a natural in the water. The other two are scared to float alone but he is awesome.
Two peas in a pod.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Zoo Trip

Last Friday I took the day off from work. I had an appointment to follow-up with Aspen's ear infections and another appointment for my hair, but I wanted to make sure I took advantage of the day off with the girls so we headed out for a morning zoo trip. The weather was amazing. Normally it is already crazy hot this time of year but it was overcast and cool and even rained after we left the doctor's office later. We didn't get to use the splashpad but I am not sad because there will be plenty of those days in our future. I did want to check out the new little 4-D theatre at the zoo but the timing did not workout right and we weren't able to on this visit. Next time, for sure! When we got there they had a Tegu lizard out that you could get up close with. His name was Tango and Everly liked him. I rarely go down to the kids area and petting zoo because it generally annoys me, but I made the exception and went down there that day. My mom met me at the Zoo with Teddy and all 3 kids played together in the little activity room that they have. The giraffes were very close to the front of the exhibit so that was neat to see, too. It was a short (for us) zoo trip but the kids had fun and the weather was perfect so it was a success!

Tango the Tegu
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Killing time before Grandma and Teddy arrived.
Up close with the giraffes.
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Making my mom push the double up the hill to see the elephants. Haha.
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They look sweet, but they were fighting.
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so much fighting over this tractor...
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A sweet moment
These two picked to ride on the lame bench on the ferris wheel. Can I get my money back? Also, no idea what they are doing with their hands???

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

A Visit from Grandpa

I swear, we see my Dad more now that he has moved to Michigan than when he actually lived in Arizona! Last week he was here for work so we got to see him for a bit. On Wednesday night we met him for dinner at Freddy's. I had just gone to Freddy's Friday night but I rarely turn down Freddy's and Everly loves it to so its a win-win. I am glad the girls get to see him even if it is only for short bits of time here and there. We also got to see my dad on Friday night because my sister had him over for pizza. It was so funny to watch Teddy show-off for his Grandpa. It is just interesting because I grew up close to my grandparents so I hope they can make the best of the circumstances. My dad may come back for my confirmation in a couple of weeks so we might just get lucky and get to see him again real soon!
world's happiest baby
Aspen fascinated with her Grandpa.
Everly's photography skills
Everly is obsessed with chocolate ice cream.

Weekend in Review

Summer is basically here and we are already in full on pool season. On Friday I had the day off so I spent some time with Aspen and took he...