This past Tuesday Aspen turned 9 months old. Guess what? Still NO TEETH. I know it is completely normal, it is just weird to me since Ev got her first tooth at 7 months. Anyways, regardless of no teeth, we have started her on finger foods since she has been doing so good at eating 3 meals a day. She still loves bananas and can now eat an entire pouch of baby food. She is crawling great and so close to pulling herself up on things. She is still small but growing. She currently weighs 16lbs 3 ounces and is in the 4th percentile for weight. That is big because she was previously not even on the charts. She is also in the 3rd percentile for height and 8th percentile for head size . She is wearing 6-12 month clothes and size 3 diapers. She sleeps great through the night still in her crib. She is generally just a happy baby all of the time. She thinks her sister is hilarious and loves playing with her toys. She also likes being in the shower and has been doing good in the pool so far this summer too. She is still warming up to the splash pad but Everly took awhile too. I am looking forward to trying some new foods with her this month and hopefully she plumps up a bit, haha.
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