Yesterday Aspen turned 10 months old. This past month was a big one for her. She is still tiny wearing 9-12 month clothes and in size 3 diapers (although she fits in 6 month onesies still). She has her first tooth and hit so many developments in the past month (pulling herself up to her feet, waving hi, clapping, doing "so big," and recently giving lots more kisses and even dancing). She is crawling fast and gets her knees and feet all dirty. Despite finally getting in her first tooth she hasn't been drooling or losing any sleep. She is an angel like that. She still loves her sister and watches everything she does and loves playing with her sister's toys. She loves taking showers and is warming up to the pool more. She is also doing great with her eating. She is eating all kinds of solid foods now (not purees) like bananas, avocados, green beans, berries, whole milk yogurt and cheese, black beans, and potatoes and we have tried little bits of chicken too. She has still not had one bite of grains and probably won't until her 1st birthday cake! She has actually been shoveling the food in her mouth too and loves those little freeze dried yogurt drops. I hope she goes to town on her birthday cake in a couple of months. She is also still 100% breastfed although I am starting to reduce that a bit in preparation for her turning a year and me doing other things besides nursing, haha. I have had a great experience but I am over the whole pumping thing. Last week I slept in and just nursed her when I woke up and then the whole rest of the day and that was the first day since she was a few days old that I didn't pump at some point in the day. Over 9 months of pumping at least once a day and more often 3 times a day can be exhausting. I am down to pumping once a day at work and my supply has gone down but I have a good amount frozen so it is okay that she drinks more at daycare than I currently pump. I actually think I might nurse her past a year but only once or twice a day if that. We will see how it goes but I am pretty proud of the fact that I have made it this far. Thankfully, Aspen makes it pretty easy. She is such a fun baby and we love her!
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