Monday I had off work for President's Day so my sister watched Aspen so I could take Everly and Teddy to Dave & Buster's. I had a gift card and a coupon so I thought it would be fun to take them. We spent a couple of hours there playing games and I think they had a lot of fun. Teddy loved anything fishing related and Everly loves skeeball. We played every game we wanted to and a few multiple times. Sometimes we had a little bit of difficult taking turns but no major meltdowns at all which is really good since we went right before nap time. We had a lot of points because my sister's boyfriend gave us a game card that already had like 1,000 points on it. Both kids picked out a basketball, "O" plush, candy and Teddy also got a sticky octopus thing. It was a really fun way to spend some of my day off Monday and also a bonus that I didn't have to spend any money!
Happy President's Day!
Teddy was not into the simulation ride but he did get into skeeball. He also threw his into the lane next to him but no one was injured.
smashing things!
This process actually went pretty well.
Yay for prizes! |
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