I had such a fun and jam packed weekend and the only thing that could have made it better is a nap and maybe an extra day! It started off Friday night with two soccer games that I had to go to almost directly from work. We tied and won one so can't be mad about that. I did scrape up my knee a bit again though so that was annoying because my scrape from outdoor last month was finally healed up! By the time I got home the girls were in bed and then I got up and left the house while it was still dark to head out to Tempe for Pat's Run (will post separately about it later). After the run I met Justin with the girls at the pediatrician because Aspen has been holding on to a sinus infection for a while. Girlfriend is still traumatized from all of those ear infections and cried when we put her on the scale (22 lbs.) and then screamed when the doctor came into the exam room. Luckily, she calms down again pretty fast. After the appointment I took the girls to Lakeshore Learning for the free craft Saturday. It wasn't a really cool craft but it was something free to do and Aspen loved playing with all of the toys on display. After lunch Everly came with me to go to the library to check out the booksale and also run a quick errand at the mall. Later that night I went out with my sister, her boyfriend, and my sister-in-law to go to dinner and a music festival. We saw Nate Reuss at AltAz and it was really fun. We had dinner first at the Pizza People Pub and it was a great choice. The weather was also really nice and it was just a great show. Sometimes I think I am too old for that kind of stuff but I am really glad I went. The next morning Justin had a trail run so it was just me and the girls until he got home. We made cinnamon rolls and then my sister and Mae came over for a little bit to play. Everly had a birthday party to attend for a girl at school so I took her to that since it was during Aspen's naptime. It was a really cute Sophia themed party and Everly was so excited that they had a bounce house. She also made out with a pretty awesome party gift bag so she wasn't even mad when I made her leave a little early so we could meet my mom and sisters to get pedicures. It was her first time going and we went because my sister is going to have her baby this week. Everly seemed to enjoy it and looked like she was going to fall asleep in the chair. Also, one of the nail techs has a little girl almost the same age so they had lots of fun playing together while we finished. We made brownies and stayed home for dinner last night and it was a good end to the weekend. Everly was so worn out she fell asleep on the living room floor! 3 more days until baby Nora is here!

I really needed this pedicure!
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