I got back from D.C. late last Friday night only to have to turn around and get right back up Saturday morning for the second out of 3 trail races in the trail run series that I signed up for. Thank God the race didn't start until 8AM so I had a little extra time in the morning. The weather could not have been better and the trail was great. It was a little uphill in the beginning but downhill on the second half. It was a 6k and ending up being about 3.5 miles. I was really happy with my pace and finished first in my age group for women and 11th overall out of 87 people. So, yeah, it is a small event but I have liked both races so far. My last event is a 7k on December 17th. After that we did some cleaning around the house and had my family over to celebrate Justin's birthday. On Sunday I took a makeup class at Sephora with my sister-in-law before heading out to my soccer game. I also got my November Play! box in the mail while I was gone and was exited to open it up last weekend. It is really good again and I am most excited about the mask and the primer. Sunday was also Justin and I's 6th wedding anniversary so we dropped the girls off for dinner at my sister's and went out by ourselves. It didn't exactly work out as we had planned (the restaurant we planned on was closed) but it was still nice to have a dinner by ourselves. I guess that is what 6 years does to you...you get excited for dinner by yourselves.
I think that dude tried to pass me at the end.
We love Sephora.
that pizza was sooooo good! |
These girls love their snapchat filters.
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