We had a great Christmas this year. We woke up and got straight to getting some things ready for breakfast while the girls slept in. They are little angels and we had to wake them up at like 7:30 or we would have been late to breakfast at Justin's sister's house. Justin had offered to make biscuits and gravy for the first time so he had already made the dough and was getting ready to make the gravy and bake the biscuits. I decided to make a little sweet treat because I had seen someone post about this easy cherry cheese Danish shaped like a candy cane. It used crescent rolls and was super easy and turned out really good. Justin's biscuits and gravy also turned out really good. After we woke the girls up we had them open presents from us (Santa). They were so cute and Aspen wanted to open every one of her presents once she unwrapped them. Once we got done with that we headed over to Justin's sister's house to have breakfast with his family. Our niece's son was in town and he is the same age as Aspen so it was really fun for all of them to play together. Breakfast was delicious and we ended up staying there all day. We did not plan to but we just ended up getting caught up and staying. Aspen didn't even take a nap and she was fine. Everly baked muffins with her Aunt Christy and we all just hung out and caught up with each other. We accidentally missed dinner at my sister's but other than that mistake, it was a really great Christmas day with family.

Aspen and I both loved our gifts.

Christmas breakfast champs.

Christmas with family!
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