We had a great New Years holiday! We had planned to go to a block party with Justin's siblings downtown and stay at his sister's apartment that night. It worked out because my mom recently moved into a new place and the girls were so excited to spend the night there. They did some New Years Eve celebrations with my sister and the kids before spending the night. They also saw Ferdinand that day which I was cool with because I didn't really care to see that movie. Before Justin and I met up with his family downtown, we went to a little New Years Eve dinner. We were trying to take advantage of the fact that we didn't have kids so we went to Taco Guild. It was really good and they had happy hour so with drinks and an appetizer I think our total bill was like $30. I have been on a margarita kick lately and theirs did not disappoint. The salsas and tacos were super yummy as well. After we ate we hung out at Justin's sister's apartment for a while before heading to the block party. We all pre-gamed pretty well. There were a lot of people out but it was a fun night. Since it was outside, thankfully it was not super cold. I also ran into an old friend who was in town from Chicago completely by random so that was super cool. I know it was a good night because I barely took any pictures. I also actually stayed up past midnight so it was basically a miracle! The next morning I was definitely tired but eventually I got my crap together and ran a couple miles with Everly while she rode on her bike. I had been doing a 4-day running streak that went from Thanksgiving to New Years Day and so it was my last day. Everly did great on her bike as well. I am so excited for all of the fun things coming up in 2018. Disneyland trip in about a week and a half, 2 new baby nieces/nephews, and a trip to Octoberfest in Germany. Happy New Years!

clearing out Grandma's nuggets!

these three crazies

Give me all the chips and salsa!

She looks little here and I love it.
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