Today Everly is 3 Months old. It feels like it was just the other day that I was writing her 2 month post! December went by pretty fast. Everly is cooing and smiling more and more and we have even heard a couple of giggles. Her neck is also getting really strong despite the fact that she really doesn't like tummy time very much. She easily rolls over from belly to back but has not gone the other way yet. She does get from her back to her side easily though, so we are guessing it won't be too much longer. She loves the green jungle mat that she is currently borrowing from her cousin Cameron. She is really trying to grab at everything now and I think she even gets frustrated sometimes when she is unable to. She is a really good napper and sometimes we have to wake her up to feed her because it has been too long. She is still doing really great at sleeping through the night as well. We have to wake her up in the morning on weekdays to make sure we get to work on time. She had a great Christmas and got lots of clothes and toys. She even was awake at midnight on New Years Eve! Everly is still loving her swim classes and bath time! We can't wait until she can sit up in the bath and play with toys! We had her weight checked at about 3 1/2 months and she was almost 10 lbs. so she is probably just over that now. She is still a tiny little princess! I know we are biased...but we really do have a pretty little baby girl!

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