Last Friday night we took the girls to a Spring Training game. The Peoria stadium is about 10 minutes away and the lawn seats are super cheap so that is where we decided to go. My mom met us there and definitely spoiled the girls. When we first got there I took the girls to see the new pirate ship playground that the stadium installed. It also had a little splash pad but it was a little too chilly for that Friday night. The playground was really nice and the girls loved it. It is really meant for kids 5 and up but Aspen still had fun. We had dinner before the game but we still got some snacks. We had popcorn and peanuts and Everly had a snow cone and even stole some of Grandma's hot dog. The girls had a blast taking their shoes off and running around. To be honest, they didn't watch much of the White Sox and Padres, but I didn't really expect them to. Rich Grandma (that is what Everly calls her) bought the girls a plush baseball and bat and there was even fireworks after the end of the game. We are lucky to have so many spring training games in AZ, but they month really does go by fast so I am glad we were able to get one in with the girls.
spoiled by Rich Grandma
Ev's toothy smile kills me. |
and then there is Aspen's side eye |
The picture on the right is Aspen looking at that wacky inflatable thing she was OBSESSED with.
Took Aspen a minute to warm up to the fireworks but she ended up loving them.
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