I had a wonderful long Mother's Day weekend. I had the day off Friday and after taking Everly to school had a nice day with just Aspen. We went to the park and ran some errands and I treated my self to a little early mother's day present. I actually legitimately needed a new running watch so I decided to just go with an apple watch. On Friday night I played a little 6 v 6 soccer game out on the practice fields at Talking Stick baseball fields and it was really fun. I am hoping to continue playing there throughout the summer because it is cheaper than indoor. Saturday morning I did an 8 mile run before we headed out to Everly's soccer tryout. It is not really a tryout because they only have enough girls to fill the team but it is a good experience for her. After soccer we got the girls stuff ready and met my sister at the splashpad. It actually wasn't too busy so it was a good way for the girls to burn some energy. We were all pretty pooped the rest of the day but I did go see Snatched with my mom. It was funny, but not as good as Trainwreck. Sunday morning I got up for a class at Orange Theory. It was a nice butt-kicking and then after I met Justin and the girls for breakfast at The Rogue Tomato. It was super yummy and Justin and the girls surprised me with a girls trip to see Britney Spears in Vegas in August with my sisters and sister-in-law. I am super excited and was totally surprised. He definitely did good! I took a nap on Sunday and then did a little later afternoon shopping with Everly before heading to my sister's for dinner Sunday night. It was a great weekend and I am ready to take this week!
Aspen loves the playground!
New watch and Friday night soccer.
not as long as I wanted to run but I got out a little late. |
Dead after my run and Teddy and Alex waiting for Kim to finish.
Straight from soccer to the splashpad. |
Skinny Minnie Nora
Bikini babe
"Mom, take a picture of me!"
Perfect end to a great weekend!
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