Today our baby girl Aspen turned 1! It's hard to comprehend because to me she is still a tiny little nugget and so it hasn't really sunk in that this first year is over. We had a little brunch for her last Sunday that I will post about later but today we took her in for her 1 year checkup. She is 18 lbs 8 oz and in the 11th percentile for weight. She has another ear infection but you would never know. She is standing up on her own, but not taking any steps yet (at least not on her own). She is still eating and sleeping great and still nurses in the morning and at night. Sometimes it is frustrating because she gets distracted easily so we will see how much longer that lasts. She is loving the peekaboo barn app and she still loves her blankie. She can say mama and papa and gives the sweetest open mouth kisses. She still only has the 2 bottom teeth but the fingers are in the mouth a lot so it is only a matter of time before the tops start poking through. Justin and I had a nice little morning with her after we dropped her sister off at preschool and he even has the rest of the week off to spend with her. Of course, this year went by fast and I just want her to stay little but we are so lucky to have this little girl in our lives!
#monthlyaspen pictures |
breakfast dates |
chunky monkey |
cutie |
She even handled her vaccinations well.
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