Finally this weekend felt like fall is finally coming! Yes, it was still super hot but nature dropped some hints that fall is around the corner. It started Friday. I got a Pumpkin Spice Latte and I wore boots to work. Friday night we got some rain while at my sister's game. It was nice that it cooled things off, but then it picked up and the game went into rain delay so we went home. Saturday morning I hiked with my sister and Justin's sister and it was nice and cool. It is also staying darker longer so we are definitely putting our headlamps to good use. When I got home Justin took Everly to a home depot workshop to make a cornhole game just in time for football season! The rest of Saturday we spent most of the day at Justin's other sister's house watching college football. Nebraska and ASU lost so that stinks but my sister-in-law made some yummy food and the kids had so much fun playing together. I just want to squeeze that little Remi all day long! Sunday morning we woke up early for the zoo. It actually felt really warm there. I took some video so I will do a separate post for that. We were pretty wiped out from the zoo but I made it to watch half of my sister's game on Sunday since she has a bunch of away games coming up. Once again, hot, so we watched from the parking garage. Sunday night we had dinner for my sister's birthday. Monday I got up and ran 7 miles with my sister because I am crazy. She pushed me and I ran a sub 9:00 pace which is the fastest I have run all summer. I was pretty happy about that and treated myself to a bagel after with my mom and sister. We got a lot of cleaning done on Sunday and I took a much needed nap. We have a lot to do this week to get ready for Aspen's 1st birthday party next weekend which will be here before you know it!
Piestewa Peak |
thankful for hiking buddies who will join you at 5:00 AM on a Saturday. |
Home depot workshop
Remi and Aspen. Guess that hat is jinxed now. |
I realize now that this does not look appetizing but it was super yummy. And bacon! |
surprisingly not a bad view |
nursing post-run |
while cleaning we found some shoes to try on Aspen and Everly being cute at the bagel place.
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